Royalty free applications for embedding into websites

1. Weather App v4

Description: Weather App v4 shows 7 day forecast and current temperature for 196 locations in Australia.

Third Party Content: Weather information is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page. Default option is current temperature and forecast details for Sydney. You can set the widget to display weather information for a specific location by adding the following code to the base URL, eg: ?code=OBSH_Sydney (download all valid city codes from here).

Please note, this app shows only a single location which cannot be changed by visitors to your webste.


<iframe src="" width="350" frameborder="0" height="185" scrolling="no"></iframe>

2. Weather Lookup v3

Description: Weather Lookup v3 widget displays current temperature and weather forecasts for 196 locations in Australia.

Third Party Content: Weather information is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page. Default option is a page showing current temperature and forecast details for Sydney. You can set the widget to display weather information for a specific location by adding the following code to the base URL, eg: ?city_code=OBSH_Sydney (view page source code for all valid city codes). It is also possible to display forecast page by adding the following code to base URL, eg . more1.php?code=OBSH_Sydney (please note that the forecast page does not contain location information).

Users can change location by clicking on the city name and selecting alternative locality from a drop-down list. Textual description of weather forecast for individual days of the week can be obtained by moving a mouse over weather icons that are included on the forecast page.


<iframe src="" width="300" height="45" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

3. Reference Map

Description: Reference Map is a free map service built on top of Google Map application to enable easy publishing and sharing of spatial information. It is currently in beta release and supports only geographic information in KML/KMZ and geoRSS format. Reference Map can be embeded in websites (sample code below) or linked to via URL address. Most importantly, it can be detached from the pages it is published on for reuse in other websites, or can be bookmarked for future reference. More advanced sharing and map creation options are still under development.

Third Party Content: Google Map API (v.2), selection of administrative boundaries from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and freely accessible data from the Internet

Instructions: To embed the map in a web page, simply copy the code below and adjust parameters to your requirements. In particular: content destination (ie. kmzl=url1,url2,etc); ads on[1] or off[0] (optional, default is ads on, ie. ad=1); width and height in pixel (optional, default is 100%, eg. wh=400,300); map type (default is terrain, options are 0 - roads, 1 - satellite image, 2 - hybrid map, 3 - terrain map, eg. mt=3); start location and zoom level (optional and applicable to multiple layers only, default is 0,0,2 expressed as longitude, latitude and zoom level, eg. xyz=125.0,-25.0,4). More options will be added in the future.

To access free postcode boundaries from please use these special parameters to create your maps: ?kmlz=2000,3000,2600&svs=2,2,2. Follow this pattern to include your selection of postcodes of interest or to programmatically create maps of postal boundaries for your web page or application. See this simple example and postcode list file for reference. More free data is listed in the table below [service codes for other data sets are svs: 2-postcodes, 4-suburbs, 5-LGA, 6-CED, 7-ATR]. Further tips on how to use free reference map with administrative boundary overlays are available on our blog.


<iframe src="" width="500" height="350" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>

4. Postcode Finder

Description: Postcode Finder is a compact but fully functional widget that allows postcode look-up service to be embedded in any website with just a few lines of code. It supports searching by postcode number or by suburb/ locality, as well as filtering results by various postcode types.

Third Party Content: Postcode list courtesy of Australia Post

Instructions: Simply, copy the following code to your web page. See also all-things-spatial blog for more information and tips on how postcode finder widget works.


<iframe src="" width="190" height="190" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>

5. YouTube Player (limited functionality alpha release)

Description: YouTube Player allows custom selection of YouTube videos and YouTube public playlists to be embedded and played on any website.

Third Party Content: All videos courtesy of

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page or simply link to YouTube Player via <a> HTML element. Default option is a player with no selected playlist. You can set a preferred playlist by adding the following code to the URL: ?playlist= (valid options are, for private lists: ?playlist= where URL is a location of your private playlist, for YouTube public playlists: ?playlist=, for specific YouTube search results list: #funny where text after '#' character is a search keyword). Ability to create custom lists will be added in the future releases of the widget. Meantime, just copy the format of the following file See also all-things-spatial blog for more information and tips on how to link to YouTube and private lists.


<iframe name="ytp" id="ytp" style="border:0px" scrolling="no" width="700" height="335" align="top" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>

6. Weather Lookup (advanced)

Description: Weather Lookup widget (advanced) displays current weather observations (temperature, dew temperature, barometric pressure, wind information, humidity, visibility and rain since 9am) and weather forecasts for 196 locations in Australia. Included is also a graph of temperature changes in the last 24 hours and animated image of cloud cover over Australia in the last 12 hours.

Third Party Content: Weather information is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and temperature graph is generated using free Google Chart service.

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page. Default option is a page showing current temperature and forecast details for all capital cities. You can set the widget to display a specific location as a starting option by adding the following code to the base URL, eg: ?n=Sydney (valid names are any of the 196 locations referenced in our database ? use input box in the widget to check if location of interest is available, just type in the name and auto-lookup function will show available cities). Default info tab is "Outlook" but you can set is as "Now" or "Today" by adding o= parameter, eg: ?n=Sydney&o=1 (valid input are "1" for "Now" tab, "2" for "Today" tab - temperature, "21" for "Today" tab - cloud cover and "3" for "Oublook" tab). Colours of the top bar and text can also be set with additional parameters, eg: ?n=Sydney&c=000000,cccccc (valid input are any hexadecimal values without #; default colours are c=336699,ffffff).


<iframe src="" width="190" height="190" frameborder="no" scrolling="no"></iframe>

7. Weather Lookup

Description: Weather Lookup widget displays current temperature and weather forecast for Australian capital cities.

Third Party Content: Weather information by

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page. Default option is Sydney current temperature. You can set a different capital city and indicate "forecast" as a starting option by adding the following code to the URL, eg: ?city=3000&wopt=forecast (valid numbers for "city" parameter are 5000 for Adelaide, 4000 for Brisbane, 2600 for Canberra, 0800 for Darwin, 7000 for Hobart, 3000 for Melbourne, 6000 for Perth and 2000 for Sydney).


<iframe name="top" id="top" style="border:0px" scrolling="no" width="146" height="192" align="top" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>

8. Natural Hazards Monitor

Description: Natural Hazards Monitor widget provides links to a set of four maps with information on the most recent earthquakes, reported emergency incidents, bushfire hotspots and weather conditions.

Third Party Content: Web services by Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia, Fire Information for Resource Management System, United States Geological Survey, Emergency and Disaster Information Service and Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System.

Instructions: Copy the following code to your web page. Maps will open in a new window. Individual maps can also be linked to directly, see a separate instructions page.


<iframe name="top" id="top" style="border:0px" scrolling="no" width="146" height="192" align="top" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe>